Colin Wilkinson


I first sailed with the J.S.T. in 1992 on Nellie. In the intervening years I sailed with the J.S.T. when time (and funds) permitted, mostly as a watch leader. I also had my own small boat in which I sailed across the Atlantic and round the Mediterranean. During the winter I used to give talks to local clubs etc. to spread the story and raise funds. I was booked on Tenacious for a voyage in October 2023 but in March that year, while out cycling, I got hit by a white van and broke my neck with the result that I am now a tetraplegic and still in hospital. Throughout last year the only positive thing that I hung onto was that I should still eventually be able to sail on Tenacious. So for me the news of the receivership was a crippling (!) blow and I confess has set me back a bit. There isn’t much I can do but I’m happy to tail on a line if I can.

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