Di Barber

I fell in love with tall ships in 1995 and sailing with the Tall ships Youth Trust changed my life until they finally decommissioned Stavros Niarchos.

Then, a sailing mate put me in touch with JST, Lord Nelson and Tenacious which changed my life again. Getting old, arthiritic with a few medical issues, Tenacious offered me and others like me, the opportunity to join a team of mixed ability enthusiasts and enjoy the exhilaration of ‘being on the water’. Being part of the crew of Tenacious has been a humbling experience. To see the ‘tenacity’ and determination of some of my shipmates to achieve tasks on board that I found relatively easy, was inspirational. Military veterans, people from all walks of life with life changing disabilities, we all were literally ‘in the same boat’.

After Covid, we knew finances were pretty bad, but the heart of Tenacious was still beating and she managed to survive.

There are huge obstacles to overcome if we are to save this amazing vessel. Please help us raise awareness of our campaign to Save Tall Ship Tenacious by spreading the word about this website.

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