I was 18 when I first discovered the accessible miracle that is the Sailing Vessel Tenacious. I came to her as an insecure teenager whose only identity was being disabled and the stigma that surrounds that. I left knowing that I had worth and was needed as part of the team, with mast climbing, helming, and sweating ropes justifying that “I’m just as good as you”. I met crew who showed me the way in being disabled, both deaf and wheelie and I am devastated that this opportunity is no more for disabled people, both civilians and injured veterans, for whom this was a major part of their rehab. It gave me the confidence to join the Glasgow University Sailing Club, who provided me with much needed physio for my undergrad years.
Without Tenacious there would be no us. Phil and I met on my first voyage in North America, got together on my second in the Caribbean, first buddied together at the Rouen Armada and finally both ascended to the first platform at the same time on my 3rd to Jersey. We also had the joy of Tenacious sailing past our first flat in Glasgow on the Clyde. Our wedding was very much sailing themed, with our cake being the ship – I could call the office and be greeted with “your wedding cake was amazing!”.